Green Tea Chocolate for Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is the perfect occasion to make chocolate for your friends, family, and loved ones. Homemade chocolate is a great expression of love and friendship. This year, consider making Green Tea Chocolates for Valentine's Day. Good luck!!

(for Green Tea Chocolate)
25g of cream
75g of white chocolate
a bit of salt
1 tablespoon of Matcha

(For Dark Chocolate)
150g of dark chocolate

1. Heat the cream in a small saucepan over medium heat.
2. Crush white chocolate and put it into the cream and melt stirring.
3. Add Matcha and stir with a rubber spatula until smooth.
4. Add salt and mix well.
5. Crush dark chocolate and melt stirring in a separate saucepan.
6. Pour the dark chocolate into a heart shape mold up to 30% of its height.
7. Pour Matcha chocoalte up to 60% of its height.
8. Pour again the dark chocolate up to 100%.
9. Chill in the refrigerator more than 4 hours or overnight.
11. Sprinkle  Matcha powder on the chocolates. (this is up to personal choice, the coatings can be anything you prefer.)


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